Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

A Comprehensive Approach

Our modern world offers a plethora of dietary choices, but not all of them benefit our metabolic health. At Signature Healthcare's Metabolic Health and Wellness Center, we have crafted a unique approach to weight loss that caters to the complete individual. The first visit with your weight loss provider is in a 90-minute shared medical visit setting. After this group informational session is complete, you'll attend 1-on-1 visits every 6-8 weeks until you reach your goal! Here’s how we assist our patients:

Personalized Nutrition Guidance:

  • Whole Foods Focus: Our nutritional guidance emphasizes whole foods, which are nutrient-dense and minimally processed.
  • Macronutrient Balance: We stress the importance of protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Each of these “macros” plays a vital role in satiety, strength, and metabolic optimization.
  • Limiting Harmful Ingredients: We advocate for reducing the intake of processed carbohydrates and refined sugars which can lead to metabolic disturbances like type II diabetes, fatty liver disease, and increased fat storage.
  • Individualized Plans: Everyone's body and needs are unique. We help you determine the right foods for your specific goals and body type. We provide you with recipes from day one!

Activity Regimens:

  • Crafted with your individual health needs, capacities, and goals in mind. We understand that the right kind and amount of exercise can make a world of difference in metabolic health. The formal recommendation by the American Heart Association is 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity exercise with 2+ days of strength training. We will work with you to formulate a reasonable activity plan and scale up as tolerated.

Medication Management and Guidance:

  • We offer a thorough understanding of medications available for weight management, including transformative drugs like GLP-1 agonists (i.e. Wegovy, Ozempic, Semaglutide, Mounjaro, and Saxenda).
  • Our team formulates the best regimen for your needs, ensuring efficacy and safety. We will work with your insurance company on Prior Authorizations to attempt to obtain full coverage for any weight loss medication you may be prescribed.

Intermittent Fasting Protocols:

  • Harness your body's natural metabolic rhythms with strategic eating windows. Intermittent fasting can be an excellent tool when used appropriately and tailored to individual needs. Time-restricted eating is not for everyone, so risks and benefits to this weight loss tool will be discussed during personalized 1-on-1 sessions with your provider.

Sleep and Recovery Counseling:

  • Good metabolic health is intertwined with proper rest. Our providers can guide you on optimizing your sleep patterns for best metabolic performance.

Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being:

  • The journey to optimal health is both physical and emotional. Our team offers support in understanding and managing the emotional aspects of weight and health, ensuring a holistic healing process. We also have a team of mental health workers available for you to consult with.